I have problem with the LocalTest plug-in.
When I submitted solution, I always got Submission Error ( I used the sample problem A+B to test )
I don't know why because I think I have modified the configuration files correctly.
Did I miss something else ?
Thanks. Here are the 2 files :
Title = Free Pascal
SourceFileName = solution.pas
CompilationCommand = fpc.exe >compile.txt solution.pas
ExecutableFileName = solution.exe
ExecutionCommand = solution.exe
CompilationPaths = C:\FPC\2.0.4\bin\i386-win32;C:\FPC\2.0.4\units
TimeLimit = 2000
MemoryLimit = 65536
OutputLimit = 1024
StatementDirectory = Statement
IndexFile = index.html
AdditionFiles =
TestsDirectory = Tests
InputFileMask = %s.in
OutputFileMask = %s.out
AnswerFileMask = %s.ans
Checker = checker.exe %s.in %s.out %s.ans
Header = A+B
TimeLimit = 2000
MemoryLimit = 65536
Directory = A+B
StatementDirectory = Statement
IndexFile = index.html
AdditionFiles =
TestsDirectory = Tests
InputFileMask = %s.in
OutputFileMask = %s.out
AnswerFileMask = %s.ans
Tests = 1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10|11
Checker = checker.exe %s.in %s.out %s.ans